Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Bees and Dragonflies

The bees have been buzzing and the dragonflies have been darting around the yard this week.  While taking a picture of the white morning glory, the bee buzzed up, landed on the edge, then dove in completely oblivious to my presence.



If you look closely at the hibiscus bloom, you can see the bee.   One click of the camera and he flew away.


This copper colored dragonfly with iridescent wings was very cooperative during his photo shoot.



I never realized how many colors dragonflies came in.    This rebel was sporting a blue head.


I wasn’t able to tell the color of this dragonfly.   He flew into my life as quickly as he flew out.  Perhaps we’ll meet again.


“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.” 

- Mother Teresa

Thank you for visiting today!


The bees and dragonflies are joining me at

A Southern Daydreamer



Sunday, June 29, 2014

My Big Fat June Yard Sale Bonanza

June was a good month for me.  There were yard sales every weekend where I could have spent a small fortune but I exercised some restraint.   Here are a few of the highlights of my treasure hunting.  I can’t take credit for the purchase of this lovely stained glass window.   My husband spotted it at a yard sale and bought it.  He used to scoff at me for going to yard sales and now I have him trained in acquisition and the fine art of bargaining.   Currently this lovely piece  is sitting in a window until I can decide where and how to hang it.  The panes are not colored but when the light hits them just right it creates an iridescent glow.


Now on to my finds.   All these goodies were found for under $20.00:  a harp backed chair; a small pitcher with a delicate rose pattern; hand painted magnolia artwork (no way could Sweet Magnolia Soul pass those up) and the metal tole chandelier with flower petals surrounding each light. Can't wait to get that spray painted and hung in my dining room.


It has been awhile since I found furniture that wasn’t priced out of my budget but this weekend proved to be an exception.   The lady I bought these pieces from made the white one on the left using an old vintage window.  It’s a keeper as is the black wicker table which is about to get spray painted white.   Most likely I will sell the dresser to help finance my yard sale addiction.


Thanks for joining me on my thrifty journeys!  Have a Happy 4th!


I will be sharing my treasures with Rhoda at

Southern Hospitality for her June Thrifty Treasures party.

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Perennial Garden

Welcome!  Please take a stroll with me through my perennial garden which has finally grown to be blog worthy.

The blooms on this hibiscus planted last year are plate sized.


Another view of the same hibiscus bush.  In the background you can catch a glimpse of a different colored hibiscus along with some day lilies and knock out roses.


A close up view of the bloom and  many more buds waiting in the wings to bloom.


This is the hibiscus bush I planted  this spring.    The color is absolutely luscious and really pops in the garden!  I plan to add  a new hibiscus each year since they seem to thrive in spite  of my lack of a green thumb.


The agapanthus are thriving also.


Surprise!   I thought I bought all blue ones and a white one popped up this year.

White Agapantha

“So plant your own gardens and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.”  ― Jorge Luis Borges

Love that quote.   Thanks for visiting today.


The blooms and I are headed over to the Show and Share Party at

Coastal Charm

My Show and Share Party


Outdoor Wednesday at

A Southern Day Dreamer

Outdoor Wednesday: Click on the picture below to learn more...

Please join us!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Herons and Ospreys

An early morning boat ride on the Fish River this past weekend before the holiday crowds hit the water was very peaceful.   It was just the hubby and I and the herons and ospreys.   The sea gulls and pelicans were nowhere to be found.   They must have been partying at some beach somewhere.

You can always find a heron on the river and this one  struck a pose amongst the cypress tree “knees”.

heron1 E

I am certainly not an expert on herons but it appears to me that this might be a momma and daddy heron.    Sure looks like the little momma on the left is standing in a nest at the top of the pine tree.

herons1 E

Speaking of pine trees, we spotted this osprey on a branch of another tree close by.

osprey1 E

He cocked his head to the side and looked at us probably wondering what we were up to besides scaring off all the fish.  He waited us out and was still there after we motored off.  Must have been a good fishing hole.

osprey2 E

Thanks for coming along on the ride!



I will be joining these parties this week.

Wild Bird Wednesday

A Southern Day Dreamer


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Cutting Bait

The old  fisherman seems to be oblivious to the heron and pelican who are keeping him company but you can be assured they are watching his every move in hopes of scoring a treat of fresh fish.


Meanwhile just up the river these two are calmly floating on the water enjoying the beauty of the day.


In closing I will leave you with a picture of the peaceful swamp with the sun peeking through the trees.


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit today.   I know there are so many excellent blogs out there with exceptional photography and you chose to be here and for that I am very grateful.

Hope to see you next week,



I’ll be joining these parties this week.

Wild Bird Wednesday

A Southern Daydreamer


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

It’s Owl Good!

Halleluiah!!!  First time ever for me to spot an owl in the wild and he actually hung around long enough for me to take his picture. 

owl4 sms

A  little over the shoulder glance.

owl3 blog

Whoooo you looking at?

owl1 blog

These pictures were taken in the Weeks Bay Reserve located in Baldwin County, Alabama.

Take care and owl see you next week!



Owl be partying with

Wild Bird Wednesday


A Southern Daydreamer


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Peaceful Day on Fish River

How I love to take a boat ride on the river to see what all is going on.  There is always lots of action and I like to be right in the middle of it.   The cormorants, however, weren’t having any of it.


Two and a half turtles sunning on the remnants of a fallen tree didn’t even jump in the water when we passed by.


A pelican sat quietly on the river’s edge.  I didn’t realize I had captured him “dropping an anchor” until I uploaded the picture.


Another surprise was discovering the osprey in her nest once I got a close look at the picture.  The nest is huge and I could see it from afar but I couldn’t tell that it was occupied.

Osprey Nest

The peaceful day ended with a full moon rising beyond the branches of the cypress tree.

Full Moon

Thank you so much for visiting today.   I don’t get to spend as much time on the blog these days as I would like to.   You can find me more often on Facebook and I would love for you to drop by over there and say hello.


Please join me at

A Southern Day Dreamer
