Each week I enjoy looking at all the pinkness on Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound. I have never linked to the pink party though because there is not a lot of pink in my house I share with my hubby and two sons. As you can imagine, pink is not their favorite color.
However, while trying to clean out some of the junky clutter around here, I was pleasantly surprised to find this cute pink glass container with little scottie doggies on the lid. It is a miracle it is still in one piece because it was just stuffed in the back of a cabinet. Yikes, I never would have forgiven myself if it had broken.
It belonged to my grandmother and I have no idea what it is or how old it is. She passed away in 1970 so that makes it at least 40 years old. I found a piece of paper inside it dated 1951, so it may even be 60 years old. This has a lot of sentimental value to me because it is the only thing I have that was hers. I clearly remember it always sitting on the top of her dresser in her bedroom.
The pink is painted on the inside of the dish and as you can see, it has worn off in several places. There is an intricate raised pattern on the glass. If you know what this cute little piece is or how old you think it might be, I would love for you to comment and tell me.
I have had fun writing about my mam-maw’s pink doggie dish…it brought back some special memories. I will have to keep looking around the house to see if I can find something else pink to share with you next week. Thanks for visiting!
Best wishes and blessings to you,