Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Riding on the River

On a warm day you can often find  my sweetie and I out in the boat  just riding around checking out the wild life.    This past weekend we were blessed with many pelican sightings.


This guy was cruising along with us.


I don’t think this one even knew we were there.


It looks like this couple just had a spat.


Thanks for joining our pelican watching expedition.



The pelicans and I will be partying with Susan @

 A Southern Daydreamer.

Outdoor Wednesday button

Monday, April 8, 2013

Making Out Like a Bandit

This past weekend the sun was shining, the temp was in the 70’s,  the yard sales were in abundance,  and I made out like a bandit!

My first score was a vintage soup/sauce tureen with ladle for one dollar.


This vintage flower pot  had me at yellow.  Lots of crazing on this charming piece which has an attached saucer.   Once again all it took for this to come home with me was a one dollar bill.


And now ladies and gentlemen… the deal of the day…a three light metal chandelier for two dollars!!!   This baby is going over the bathtub as soon as I can get my sweetie to install it!


Four dollars total for one tureen, one flower pot, and one chandelier.  It was a good day in yard sale land.

Thank you for visiting!!


Please join me as I party with Linda @ Coastal Charm.