Getting My Thrift On in the Deep South
The Shabby Nest
Well, here I go again. I have created two blogs in the past two years and have posted once (maybe twice - but who is counting?) to them. Guess I am just too busy reading all the wonderful blogs already out there. I feel a need to create something that I can call my own so I hope this will be it. So here goes. Hope you won't find it too boring.
I went on a donut run this morning under the selfless guise of purchasing donuts for my "starving can't find a thing to eat in the house" teenage son. I have to keep him happy because he is my technical guru and dishwasher loader. But of course you know what happened. I couldn't resist buying a lemon filled donut and a cinnamon roll for me. But that is not what this blog post is about. We are going to forget all about my shameless straying from my Weight Watchers Diet lifestyle change and concentrate on the real reason for this particular post.
I stopped at a garage sale along the way. It has been so long since I have been to one that I was just giddy when I saw it on my route to the donut shop (oh, I forgot that I am not going to talk about that). I bought a couple of 5 x 7 frames, a 4 x 6 frame and an aqua colored candle holder. The frames will come in handy because one of my sons just graduated from high school and I took lots of pictures and need lots of frames. I have placed the candle holder on a small table on my deck. I needed something that would still give me room to set my glass of wine sweet tea on the table while I am reading or just sitting there listening to the birds sing or watching the weeds grow. I had been looking for something for that spot and even though this candle holder isn't exactly what I want (not that I know what I want but I will know it when I see it), the price of 50 cents was very appealing and will make my husband very happy (I want to keep him happy too). Have you noticed yet that I am addicted to parenthesis (did I spell that correctly)?
So I spent a total of $2.75 for three frames and one candle holder. I am not going to include the cost of the donuts in the total spent (oh those pesky donuts just keep finding their way back into this post.....must be the guilt I am feeling). So here are the pictures of my purchases. Please excuse the glare. My photography skills are lackluster at best.
That’s it for today friends! I may get in over my head even more adventurous and try to link this to some parties. Hope I don’t shut Linky Land down in my attempt. Have a wonderful weekend!