Monday, December 23, 2013

A Tour of the Mantel

How did the Eve of Christmas Eve get here so quickly?  It seems like just yesterday was Thanksgiving.

Usually I don’t have a clue how I want to decorate the mantel for Christmas but this year I knew I wanted to go with a natural theme. 

Pine cones  are sprinkled through out the garland.


Sparkly ice crystals and snowy red berries add a pop of color.


A big eyed owl keeps watch to make sure no creatures are stirring, not even a mouse.


Meanwhile visions of sugarplums are dancing through the deers’ heads.


Thank you for visiting.   I wish you all a Merry Merry Christmas!


I am linking to Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @ Coastal Charm.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Who knew Santa could be so cute?

I hope each and every one of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving !  Mine was fantastic with family coming to our home for the big feast.

To work off that turkey and trimmings,  my husband and I painted our dining room.    There is not a lot of natural light in the room and I wanted a lighter color on the walls to brighten it up.   He painted and I taped so we got it knocked out in one day.  I ♥ the new look!


This is the only before picture I could find of the room.    Terra Cotta was the former color and I loved it for years but it was time for a change.


On my way home from picking up the paint, I saw a yard sale and of course had to stop.  I bought three trees, a  blue bottle, a heavy iron Santa candle holder, and the mirror below them.    All for $7.00.  The exact same Santa was listed on EBay for $55.00 so I am fairly certain I got a great deal on him.   He was so cute I had to bring him home with me.


Santa and the little red tree are currently at home in this basket.


Thank you so much for dropping by.  Have a good week!!



The cute Santa and I will be partying with Linda at Coastal Charm.  Won’t you join us?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Autumn on the River

What a pleasant day it was for a pelican picnic.   It’s hard to believe that just this weekend the weather was warm enough to go out in the boat and take these pictures.    No snow or ice down here today, just shiver me timbers weather!

Pelican Picnic

One pelican leaves a wake as he takes off and the other makes quite a splash as he lands.

Pelican Wake

Pelican Wake2

In tandem.

Pelicans in Tandem

How low can you go?

Pelicans low

Pelicans weren’t the only wild life on the river.   The cormorants were there also shown here with wings spread out to dry.


And last but certainly not least, the heron assumes his post on the roof of a boat shed.


Thanks for stopping by!


Please join me at

A Southern Day Dreamer


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Chasing Butterflies

Part of my weekend was spent chasing butterflies and attempting to take their picture while they flitted all over the place.    Let me tell you it wasn’t easy  considering  I was dodging spider webs inhabitated by huge spiders.  Spiders scare me especially when I find myself face to face with them.  I don’t want to get caught with web on my face.





Moving on to a different type of “spider”, the  spider lilies are beginning to bloom. 



The morning glories are still glorious in the morning.  I will miss them when they are gone.


On Sunday a wild morning glory popped up in the yard.

Wild MG

That’s it for me today.  Thank you so much for stopping by.


Please join me at

A Southern Day Dreamer


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hibiscus Heaven

The captivating bloom of a hibiscus takes my breath away.   I have owned quite a few that have produced some stunning flowers.  Below are some of my favorites who sadly have moved on to that great hibiscus heaven in the sky.   Gone but not forgotten.





Thanks for stopping by today.


The hibiscus and I will be partying with Susan at

A Southern Day Dreamer


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Stalking. But in a good way.

As the heron stalked the unsuspecting crabs, I stalked the heron.


The heron got his crab and I got my picture.


Later that evening I stalked the sunset.



Now I am about to head over to A Southern Day Dreamer and stalk check out all the awesomeness over there.


Thanks for stopping by.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Morning to Sunset

Morning glories, silos, and sunsets.    What do these three have in common?   Nothing really other than I took pictures of each of them all on the same day.

The day started out with the morning glories putting on quite a show.

MG2 4Color


Then while on a ride in the country, intrigued by this silo I stopped to get a closer look.   Don’t you think the  top resembles a bottle cap?


Off to the left was a barn like structure that wasn’t visible from the street.


Even more shocking was finding a farm house being consumed by its surroundings.


From what I could see it appears to be in good shape.    I can’t imagine why someone would abandon this precious home.  It has a screened in porch for gosh sake!


Fast forward to the evening where the vivid colors of the breathtaking sky were being encroached upon by dark clouds.


Before I could cross the street to get a picture without wires in it, the blazing colors were extinguished and became more muted in their tones.


Thanks for spending the day with me.    It is always a pleasure to have you here.


The gang and I will be partying with Susan at

A Southern Day Dreamer


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hometown Hero

One thing you may not know about me is that I live in the Pothole Capital of the World.    Ok, maybe that is an exaggeration but there are numerous potholes here in Jackson, Mississippi.   They are so large that a young boy on a bicycle and even a car have been swallowed by these “craters”.    Luckily no one was hurt.

Enter my hometown hero who has affectionately been nicknamed the Pothole Man, the Pothole Prowler, and my personal favorite Robin Hood.  Why Robin Hood you ask?   Because this concerned citizen stole asphalt from the city and made it his mission to go out and repair potholes in the city.   He then spray painted Citizen Fixed on the street.  This grainy photo came from the online version of the local newspaper The Clarion Ledger.

Pothole Man

The picture below was taken by me today during rush hour.   I risked life and limb just to share this with all of you.


The paper reported recently that Robin Hood has hung up his asphalt filled buckets after meeting his personal goal of 100 repairs and will not be prosecuted by the Sheriff of Nottingham for his crime.   Bravo!!!  The legend of Robin Hood lives!!!

Thanks for popping in!


Robin Hood and I will be partying with Susan @

 A Southern Day Dreamer.

Outdoor Wednesday: Click on the picture below to learn more...

Monday, July 15, 2013

Thrifting Therapy

After having a stressful week at work, I was in serious need of some thrifting therapy.   The humidity was low and I was ready to go.

I just can’t pass up a birdhouse, especially a lime green one that only costs a dollar.  The bakers rack on the sun porch was the perfect perch for it.   Can you see it there on the shelf hiding behind the trailing succulent?

Bakers Rack1

Almost everything on the bakers rack including the rack itself was bought at yard sales.

Can you believe the stores are already putting out Christmas merchandise?   The yard sales got the memo also.  Almost every yard sale I went to had holiday decorations but I restrained myself and only bought this decorated tree which I bargained down to $1.00.   The lady said it came from Pier One and I can tell it is good quality because that urn is heavy.


I made a few other small purchases, but they are projects so I will share them another day.

Thanks for popping in!


P.S.  I highly recommend thrifting therapy.   It can cure what ails you.

I am heading over to the Nifty Thrifty party at Coastal Charm and hope you will join me.